Home » Composition in two Genres:

Composition in two Genres:

My third assignment is composition in two genres, this assignment is also new for me. We have to use our previous research essay to create a composition with two different genres to communicate our targeted audience about the same topic. The genres I choose are Slideshows and drawing. Below are the two genres I work on for this writing.


This drawing depicts the children “playing tag” in the park, electronically through their phones.  Due to this, socializing has decreased and friendships aren’t very personal or deep.To see how traditional tag, running around and catching people, has changed to become fully computerized is sad. This limits kids to connect at a deeper level and make long lasting friendships. It’s also harmful to their health

This drawing shows a couple sitting in the park with beautiful scenery around them yet the man is submerged in his phone and the lady is enjoying the scenery.The phone is a barrier between them. Although their hands are touching, their interaction is very limited. As this continues their relationship is at risk of ending due to the lack of attention provided by the man to the woman

